Intro blog: new beginning

 Hi my name is Nick Shenaj and welcome to my blog. I like playing soccer and video games in my free time and helps me get through stressful days. Even if its playing alone or with friends its fun one way or the other. I'm from Florida but my parents are from Europe and met when they came to the US. I have a dog named Lucy that I spend time with all the time and love every second. i Speak 2 languages, I'm fluent in English and can speak around 50% Russian. I'm working to learn Albanian since that's where my dads from. My favorite Music artist is Kanye West because of his old music. My favorite song by him is Bound 2 because of the chorus. I'm excited to go deeper into the media studies world. I've learned a lot since the last time I was in media so I know I can only improve. With fresh new ideas I will do awesome things. Much of the media around the world comes from the news and influences peoples opinions. But I really like this course because of my dream of becoming an influencer. Whether it on YouTube, Instagram or Tiktok I want to spread my voice and express my feelings. I feel getting familiar with Media will help me achieve my goal and teach me very important things. Media doesn't only include the voice of things but spreads news of everything around the world. whether it comes to new technology or a war the Media is in charge of spreading the news and informing people. When we learn about this in class its really going to help me not only now but in the future when I want to be an influencer. Thank you for tuning in and peace out.


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