Editing the music video

It is time for another blog. Today I will talk about my experience editing the blog. Last time we edited a blog a groupmate did it this time I am going to edit it. Recently I have been practicing my editing and think I did well. I was thinking to edit with iMovie on my phone but decided to change to adobe. Using adobe, I can easily use it on my computer and will not show a watermark. I started editing the day after filming to finish before the deadline. I managed to finish in one day after getting sent all the footage. We had tons of footage to use and even didn't use some. I did have some trouble editing. The main problem was getting the footage to my computer. Since we recorded on a phone, we would have to send it via email which takes a while to download and send. Matching the song to the different clips took the most time because I wanted it to look as good as possible. But once I got over that hurdle it was smooth sailing. The main thing I was working on was the transitions between scenes. Jump cuts were the main thing I used but I also tried to use some Fade ins and cuts. After that I managed to get the music video done in a couple hours. There is still a lot I need to learn. Whether it's the quality of the editing or the time it takes, this is still a big step in the process. That's it for these blogs, see you. 


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