Production Blog: Unfortunate events

Another day another blog. It was supposed to be a big day. It has been leading up to this day for weeks. Filming day. But a couple days before the shoot I felt under the weather. I thought it might just be passing, but as I woke up it got worse, I was so sick. I was coughing loads and was sneezing every couple minutes. This is the worst thing that could have happened. It is still two days out from shooting but I'm not sure if i can recover by then. I was devastated. I put in tons of effort getting prepared for that day. I was packing clothes, props, and other things to finish the shoot on that day. I don't even know if we can reschedule the shoot. We made it that day because that was the day, we were all available. But I will make sure to double check with my group mates if we can change the date. I was most excited for this shot especially because of the freedom we got for the shoot. But today I just have to lay down and get some rest. But sometimes we have to accept that our plans may not always go as planned. I will make sure to take better care of my health and work harder to prepare for the upcoming day. Logging off.


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