The Props we need

Welcome to another blog. Recently I've been working on getting all the props together for the video were shooting. Some of the main props will be notebooks, a bed, and many other assorted household items. It will mainly be items that recall childhood memories. But in other scenarios the bed can be used us getting out of bed tired to relate to the actual music video in the song stressed out. Notebooks can be used to show us doing work and being stressed because of it. Since we will record at a friends house a bed is already there for us to use. There will also be bigger props like a bike and even a car. We can use a bike to show what we used to ride when we were younger. I have a bike we can use for the video. Two bikes might be used because I have one bug bike and one bike for kids. It can be used to show not only have we grown everything around us has. A car can be used to show what were driving now to show how much time has passed. Another group mate will ride the car because he has a license so its legal and safe. A photo book of our younger selves will also be used. this is to show how much time has passed and be used as a memory. Were still deciding whether we will use pills in our video. It might seem unsafe but we are using normal and safe pills. Which will used to show how old you really are. That's all for now thanks for tuning in.


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