Production blog

Welcome to another blog. On Wednesday, October 5 my group started filming our commercial. One of my group mates was late so we started recording a bit early to finish quicker. we have a designated driver that has a license for all are scenes which was one of our groupmates. He even owns the BMW were doing the commercial on so we had more wiggle room for what we wanted to do. The first scene a group mate recorded on his own time because it was easier and saved us the trouble. It was a shot of the BMW in a garage and the light turning on then a revving engine. Doing this adds build up to the commercial. In the second scene we just rolled the car out of the warehouse and had it drive a bit forward. I did not do much for this part because we already had it set up. The third scene we the car drove down the rode and had the camera track it down. We had it face a little park/field to make the scenery better. The fourth scene was a shot of the speedometer and it increasing. we used the same road from the third scene cause it was long and was more convenient. We made sure that we followed all traffic codes and stayed in the speed limit. The fifth scene was suppose to be a shot of us drifting. We decided to switch it because it was unsafe and was reclass for us to attempt. We instead got a shot of our friend that showed up late yet on time in a suit getting out of the car like a professional business man. Our final shot was suppose to be us panning the camera to the sun then a message appearing but it was to cloudy outside so we decided on doing that shot another day. Thanks for tuning in and see you next time. 


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