Production Blog: sound

 Right now. we are finished up with filming and are in the process of editing our short-film. With time being "wasted" I decided to talk to you about sound. The role of sound in the short-film is significant as it brings a sense of authenticity to the film and assists the audience in understanding the plot. Firstly, the location and sound settings contribute to the realism of the movie. For instance, the sounds of the beach or forest establish the scene and context. Secondly, the sound adds to the credibility of the movie. For example, including the sound of cutlery when characters are eating creates a realistic environment. The sound of water glasses clinking on the table is also essential. Lastly, sound is used to provide clues to the audience about the plot. Creepy music can create tension, and the sound of footsteps can indicate the killer's location. Overall, sound is a crucial tool in advancing the film. Background sounds make the scene more realistic, practical sounds add to the action, and diegetic sounds create tension and a sense of unease. In our short-film, the music is a key piece of what happens. Scenes such as the ending with the music transitioning into heavy metal for the credits keep the viewer in suspense. However, music is not always needed. In scenes such as the killer claiming the main characters wife's life, there is no music being played. The suspense of the quiet scene with the killers boots hitting the floor (diegetic sound) keeps the scenes intensity without adding music. When editing and adding music, it is important not to overpower the sounds coming from the scene. That is the editors job to balance the music and sound. Thats all for tonight, signing out.

music, note, sheet music, musical icon ...


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