Production blog: end of filming?

  Today might be our last day of filming. I know this sounds crazy, but we already filmed all the scenes needed, with just the ending being left. the introduction of the new teammates really helps us guide through it. I know that we might need to film again in case of some emergency, but so far we're good. I got a rough estimate of how much film time we have remaining when I added the other clips together on iMovie. This was by far the coolest scene. We had set up a ring-light on the floor of Jibril's dining room (protagonists work area) and had it point towards behind the protagonist so that the camera could catch the killer behind him. The music we used had an amazing heavy metal transition of the guitar riff being played once the camera panned behind the killer. Everything we had set up was being for this scene. We were really proud of ourselves and our teamwork in the process. Once we finished filming, Jibril's mom let us have a sleep over since we could just go to school together the next day. After school the next day, I focused on some editing. My main goal was to edit the audio to fit PERFECTLY into the clip. This was harder than expected. Even the slightest change in the millisecond changed how the clip synced. It took me a good 5 min to get the perfect sync. Afterwards, I worked on the credits. What I did is merge the metal audio into the credits, so I used a special font that looks really cool and added it to a shake effect as use. The media linked below is what the font looks like. After doing all the editing I called it off for the night. That's all you'll get out of me, goodnight.

Guitar - Wikipedia


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