Planning Blog: costumes

Another day of preparing for our shoot. Today we have to get our costumes together. Our costumes mainly consist of suit and ties. Getting costumes together it one of the most important parts of the whole process. It can make or break the whole film. Unfortunately I don't have suit. So I'm going to have to get one. The rest of my groupmates have one so ill ask where they got theirs. Or maybe ill rent on for a bit just for this shoot. But thinking about it now I might just be recording so I might not even need a suit. There's still some time before we record so we have time discuss the roles were all playing.  Another part of the costume that's needed is a walkie talkie. Luckily I have some at home. But we might have to buy some more cause it might not be enough for the whole group. We also might need some shades or some other things for the president to make it easily distinguishable from the guards. We made sure to use mainly stuff we have in our houses to make sure we don't spend that much money on the film. Suits and shades can be quite expensive so having it already can save us money and time. Getting the costumes will be a fun and rewarding process once done. It will bring a vision to life and make out film that much better. That's all for now, See ya.


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