The Next CCR
How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? One convention we challenged is mental health. Through our music video "Stressed Out" we were able to challenge and show how teenagers in the modern age challenge a mental illness, even though all the hardships they go through. To challenge this idea, we showed the past and how much time has changed. It showed how much easier life was when we were younger and the struggles that can happen in such a short amount of time. This can represent the lower social class going through hard times throughout life. Money can be hard to get as time goes on and jobs can be harder to find, this can cause depression and emotional despair as life goes on. This music video shows both sides of the spectrum, one side of the hardships of growing up and another side of being young and having fun. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributed as a real text media? ...