1. How does your product use or challenge conventions AND how does it represent social groups or issues? Conventions in a commercial are the normal things that you see in a commercial and we used that to our advantage. Once we studied other commercials we used that to our advantage and took different aspects in out commercials. We also used some unconventional things like using a normal phone to record a commercial wile others might use a professional camera to record. It shows that you don't need the best of the best stuff to record and make a well produced commercial. 2. How does your product engage with audiences AND how would it be distributes as a real media text? Our commercial connects with people all over the world to people who owns cars or wants a car. It gives them an option and gives them inspiration for their next step. Since our media is a commercial it reaches people that have can watch TV and have some sort of interaction to the internet of the world. It reaches a ...