production blog: its filming time
Alright, today’s the day we start really filming. We wanted to get the first scene out of the way, so we picked up our friend Max to play in the scene. After picking him up, we went back to Jibril's place. We realized that the scene we needed was a night-time one, so we used Max to our advantage. You guessed it, our filmer! We filmed the scenes of me, (the protagonist), driving down to the detectives office. we also got friends we used all throughout the process we didn’t think would happen. Naiara, and alec. they helped with other actors we were going to reuse as on of us. this will make the film go way smoother. We actually did a good amount of filming in that office. We got the scene with the friends meeting up. We also finished building the evidence board so we got that scene down too. We wanted to continue filming of how the protagonist goes down to the first victims house. However, we realized that my house would be used for that scene and a later one where we tackle officer Lussack into the pool. So, we held off the filming to kill two birds with one stone on another day. We got back to Jibril's place and watched some T.V. until night-time came. Once the sun had set, we starting setting up the film. Im not saying i'm a genius, but i'm basically a genius and heres why. I thought about how funky it would look if we put a greenscreen on the TV for the scene, so i did some editing the day before. I completely finished the newscaster video and set it up on my phone. I then connected an HDMI cable from the TV to the phone and had it playing on the TV! Everything went smoothly in the scene, although admittedly Max got winded a little bit when the killer was fake choking him out. We called it a day with filming and I dropped everyone home. Logging off for tonight.

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