Production Blog: We finally recorded

Another day for a blog. We finally finished recording our film. When we came the house we started to get everything ready. For the first scene we got the drone ready to use to get an aerial shot for a scene. But when we took the drone out there was a slight problem, it wasn't charged. We probably should have checked before recording. That's on us. So we decided while we wait for it to charge we will record the second scene. I decided to record for pretty much the whole thing because I didn't have a suit to use to be a character so recording was gonna have to do it for me. We finished the second scene getting shots of the bad guys which went well. By the time we finished that the drone finished charging. Which was pretty surprising since we were charging for barely 20 minutes. So we went back to recording the first scene which was the most fun. Since I was flying the drone. Since everyone else are characters I had to drive which was cool. I got the shots and landed it successfully on the ground. The rest of the scenes were pretty easy though. It was just recording the president getting protected and the bad guys following. Overall was another cool experience to record. Next time I hope to be a character though. All right then see you.


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